Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Drip, Drip, Drip Goes My Nose

Ever since I started taking both Methotrexate and Enbrel I've had a drippy nose. Not constantly, just all of a sudden, out of the blue, my nose starts running. It's not stuffy or anything. There aren't any symptoms other than the sudden dripping, like a faucet being turned on then off again, multiple times a day.

Rhinitis is the actual medical term for the condition, and it's one of the adverse side effects of those two medications.

When I mentioned the drippy nose to my rheumatologist at my last visit, she queried, "Allergies?"

I said, "No. I've never had any seasonal allergies, plus I've had the drippy nose ever since I started taking the Methotrexate and Enbrel back in the winter." In other words, even though I know you can develop allergies as an adult, it didn't just started with all the spring pollen floating around in the air.

But, oddly enough, in the last couple of days, the drippy nose seems to have been on the decline. My RA symptoms overall have been better, too.

Is there some odd connection? Drugs working better, body getting used to them, less drippy nose?

Ahhh, the mysteries of RA!


  1. in my experience, what may be happening is that your sinuses are becoming more inflamed, thus keeping the stuff inside. It took me a long time - and many, many doses of antibiotics for sinus infections - until I figured out a way to keep things down to a dull roar.

    Lots of water to dilute the stuff in your sinuses, making it easier to drain; lots of garlic for its antibacterial properties; and lots of 100% pineapple juice (Dole, none of that stuff from concentrate), not just for the vitamin C, but also because pineapple has an anti-inflammatory enzyme, which reduces the inflammation in the sinuses, allowing things to drain instead of sitting around, festering into an infection.

    and yes, probably elegies, as well. Enbrel increased my allergies, as do Humira, but I'd rather have allergies than raging RA. ;)

  2. Hi Lene, thanks for the info. I don't feel anything at all, though, and, luckily, as I mentioned, the drippiness seems to be coming to an end. I'll definitely keep an eye on it, though. I have had a cycle of sinus infections years ago, pre-RA, so I know what they feel like...

    Have a great evening!

    :) L

  3. Ahh, the ever frustrating day to day life of living with RA. The other frustrating side of it is it's not going to get any better. I think my wife thought I was making some of this stuff up 7 years ago after being diagnosed.

  4. So true, Tharr!! If it wasn't for the sudden change I had between no RA and then having RA, I'd swear I'd think I was nuts...and then to have people saying you're making stuff up on top of it, well, that's just insane-making to boot!

    :) L

  5. I've had the sniffles every day for as long as I can remember. So annoying! I think I'm keeping Kleenex in business single-handedly.

  6. Haha! You and me both, Helen! I always have to make sure I have some in my purse now!!

    :) L
