Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pics from the Arthritis Walk

Here are some pictures from the Arthritis Walk. You can see how pretty the grounds are where the one kilometre walk took place!

Yes – they are my sisters!!


  1. Wow, no kidding that they're your sisters! Lovely photos, you had a beautiful day for it :) Looks like there were a lot of people out!

  2. Haha – we all look like my dad, who's Italian, but I got my German mum's colouring!

  3. Talk about a family resemblance!
    Way to go on the walk :D

  4. Thx, WarmSocks! Scary, isn't it!!

  5. Looks like a lovely day! I didn't do the walk this year, but next year I will be walking to conquer RA. Oh yes, I will!

    My mom is German too. I didn't get her coloring, but I did get her taste for pflaumkuchen mit schlagsahne!

  6. yum! haven't had that in ages! mum used to make it...hmmm...maybe i'll make in the cooler weather in the fall! :) Laurie

  7. You certainly do look alike!

    It looks like you had a wonderful day. Ours was great, too - so much fun!
